Notice of Preparation of Assessment Roll

Pursuant to Subsection 204 (1) of The Municipalities Act, notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Town of Marshall for the year 2025 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm Monday – Friday on the following days with the exception statutory holidays. 

February 14, 2025 to April 14, 2025 inclusive 

A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. 

Any person who wishes to discuss the notice of assessment or appeal against the assessment may contact the assessor at the Town of Marshall, Box 125, Marshall, SK  S0M 1R0.  A notice of appeal, accompanied by a $200.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, must be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Revision, Kara Lindal, Western Municipal Consulting Ltd., Box 149, Meota, SK  S0M 1X0, postmarked no later than the 14th day of April, 2025.

Dated this 14th day of February, 2025

Linda E. Row, Assessor

Property Assessment - 2025 Revaluation

The Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) is the leader and authority on property assessment and Saskatchewan’s service provider. SAMA conducts revaluations based on a four-year cycle.

Please click HERE to see SAMA’s “A Look Ahead to 2025” publication to find information about the revaluation.

If you have any questions on the 2025 Revaluation or would like more information you can contact the Town Office or by looking at the Revaluation 2025 section on SAMA’s website at

Winter Safety Bulletin

When water freezes it expands causing pipes to burst and possible flooding to occur. Domestic water lines, heating and cooling systems are all susceptible.

Before freezing weather occurs preventative maintenance to buildings and heating systems are crucial.

  • Seal/caulk windows, doors, electrical outlets, & ensure weather-stripping is in good condition

  • Insulate wall cavities

  • Insulate water pipes exposed to cold temperatures or drafts

  • Maintain heating equipment according to manufacturer recommendations

  • Inspect filters and piping for obstructions (dust, sludge, etc.)

  • Verify that dampers, vents and valves are in the proper positions, allowing for adequate air movement/water flow

Tips for when the weather is extremely cold.

  • Do not set thermostats lower than 13 degrees C (55 degrees F)

  • Open cabinet doors and run fans to allow warmer air to circulate around the plumbing (where piping is situated within enclosed vanities along exterior walls)

Consider monitored low temperature alarms in strategic locations to provide warning prior to freezing conditions. Know where all your shut off valves are located and keep tools and supplies required to shut valves readily available at all times. Portable heaters should only be used as a last resort and a temporary solution. Ensure extension cord use is limited and that the heaters have tip-over protection and a thermostat.



You can vote in the Town of Marshall general election if, on the day of the election, you are:

  • a Canadian citizen;

  • at least 18 years of age;

  • a resident of the Province of Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately before election day. 

  • a resident of the Town of Marshall for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day. 

If you do not live in Marshall but have assessable land situated in Marshall for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day, you can vote for the mayor and councillors.



All voters must provide identification to be eligible to vote.  The purpose of the voter identification is to provide proof of identity and to establish residency.  Government-issued photo identification is your best option but there are other alternatives available to you.


Option 1:

One piece of identification issued by a federal, provincial, or municipal government that contains a photo, name and address.  Such as a Canadian Passport or Saskatchewan Driver’s License. 

 Option 2:

Two original pieces of information, both of which must contain your name and at least one that contains your address.  Example of acceptable identification options include a Town of Marshall Utility Billing and a credit card statement. 

 Option 3:

If you do not possess any form of acceptable identification you may have another voter vouch; as per Section 17 of The Local Government Election Act, to provide assurance of your identity and address.  In this case the following requirements must be met at the time of voting:

  • You must be accompanied by another voter who has acceptable identification.

  • The voter who is vouching for you must be entitled to vote in Marshall.

  • A form to vouch for another voter must be completed.  Forms will be available at the polling station.

Candidate Information

What is the role of Council?

Council’s main role is to provide leadership and to make policy. Council members collectively make decisions about what services the Municipality will provide to its citizens, how services will be provided, and at what level. Council will rely on the support, advice and assistance of Administrator during the decision-making process. Once decided, Administrator is responsible for implementing the policies.

Who can run for Council?

Anyone who can confirm, they are over 18

Have lived in Saskatchewan (6 months) and have resided in Town of Marshall (3 months) and are a Canadian citizen

Are not disqualified by the Local Elections Act, 2015 or any other ACT from holding Municipal Office

No person is disqualified from being nominated, elected, or holding office as a member of a Council by: having an interest in a contract with the Municipality or by undertaking the duties of a volunteer firefighter on behalf of the Municipality.

We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect the Communities they serve to put themselves forward for election. You don’t need any experience or special qualifications. Your life experience, everyday skills, passion and commitment to people and communities are vital.

What would the commitment be?

If elected, you will serve a four-year term. During that time, you should plan to attend the following:

·         Meetings of Council

·         Meetings of Council committees

·         Meetings of other boards and agencies as a representative of Council

·         Conferences, seminars, workshops, and conventions for training and discussion

·         Events that promote the municipality

Important Dates:

Deadline for Nomination pages to be returned to the Office – Wednesday, October 9th before 4:00 pm

Deadline to Withdraw Nomination Forms (MUST be in writing) – Thursday, October 10th before 4:00 pm

Advance Poll – Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 from 2:00 - 7:00 pm (MST) at the Town Office, 17 Main Street

ELECTION DAY – NOVEMBER 13th, 2024 from 9:00AM – 8:00 PM (MST) at the 3 Links Community Centre, 19-1st Avenue West