Recycling Changes

Please be advised, there are some changes to the recycling program due to the disruption in worldwide recycling markets.  A flyer, explaining what is and is not acceptable, was set out with all Utility Bills.  If residents do not adhere to these changes, and choose to continue to recycle those items that are no longer acceptable, the Town may have to look at alternative solutions.

Spring Cleanup Bins

During Council's 'Draft' Budget Meeting, it was decided that the Town will not be providing Spring Cleanup Bins, due to the misuse, extra costs incurred by the Town and additional time Town employees had to spend sorting items that were not acceptable.

Council will reconsider this discussion again next year.

Publice Notice

Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the Public Notice Policy Bylaw adopted by the Town of Marshall in accordance with The Municipalities Act, the following items will be discussed by Council of the Town of Marshall at its meeting to be held on May 29, 2018 at 6:30 pm at the Town Office.

               2018 Draft Budget


Garbage Collection

Due to the streets being extremely soft at this time, GFL will not be able to pick up all residential garbage bins this week (May 8th).

Due to this inconvenience, GFL will be bringing a large rollout bin and placing it across the street from the Post Office.  This bin will be in the town for the next 2 weeks.  ONLY BAGGED HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE CAN BE PLACED IN THIS BIN!!!

Once regular collection service returns, GFL is requesting all residents to ensure their bins are rolled out onto the street.

Please contact the office, if you have any questions.

Drinking Water Quality and Compliance (2017) Annual Notice

In accordance with Section 44 of the Water Regulation 2002, the Town of Marshall hereby notifies consumers that the information on the quality of water supplies to residents and compliance to sample submission requirements is available at the Town Office located at 17 Main Street during the hours of 9:00 am-12:30 pm and 1:00 pm-5:00 pm Monday to Friday.

The information is also available at the following website:

Drinking Water Quality and Compliance (2017) Short Form - Annual Notice to Consumers


Town of Marshall & Legacy Regional Protective Services

For the past 18 months, your Council has been working with Legacy Regional Protective Services and the RM of Wilton to provide better Fire Protective Services for the Town of Marshall.

Today, we have signed a historic 10 year agreement that gives Marshall new equipment and training to fight fires, with the full back-up support to us when needed.  This is something we could not financially provide for as a stand-alone Fire Department.  Additionally, it also give us access to an EMO (Emergency Measures) Coordinator.  As a Council, we will be working to have a full emergency plan ready to go in 2018/19.  This is something that is required by the Province, that we have been unable to do alone.

Through Legacy, if there were to be a large emergency, such as a Town evacuation, such as could be cause by a major train derailment, we have the support and assistance needed.  This allows your Council to sleep a little better at night, knowing we are not alone, if a major emergency were ever to come our way.

The Fire Hall was financed with Synergy (Marshall Branch) at the time it was built.  We are not quite halfway through paying for it.  The Building and Lot was appraised and has a current value of $151,000.  After careful consideration, Council, because of the loan, maintenance, heat, power and other costs, decided to accept the sale of the Building and Lot at appraised value.  This would make us debt free with regards to Fire Protection.  Legacy will look after maintenance, power, heat, insurance, etc. in the future.  A savings of about $7,500 per year.  We will use the extra cash to support other Marshall infrastructure.

Our cost will be the Legacy Annual Fee which is tied to Marshall's assessment (the entire value of the Town of Marshall), that is reported to the Province annually.  This cost is very predictable, and will be about $25,000 per year for: good fire-fighting equipment, EMO Services, complete back-up for Marshall, whenever needed, and also gives us a seat on the Legacy Board.

Council considers that this type of fee is quite manageable, and is much better than the current circumstances.