Drinking Water Quality and Compliance - Town Short Form

In accordance with Section 44 of the Water Regulation 2002, the Town of Marshall hereby notifies consumers that the information on the quality of water supplies to residents and compliance to sample submission requirements is available at the Town Office located at 17 Min Street, during the hours of 9:00 am - 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.

The information is also available at the following website:

Partial Fire Ban in Effect

Legacy Regional Protective Services has issued a Partial Fire Ban. This means the following…

The ban is applied to all Open Burning of any outdoor fires that may create a public safety hazard, including but not limited to:

  • Prescribed burns commonly referred to as controlled burns

  • Fireworks

Open Burning does not include:

  • Fireplaces within buildings

  • Campfires

  • Recreational fires

  • Fire pits

  • Fire rings

  • Barbecue Grills and Smokers


The Town of Marshall, SK is accepting tenders for the casual position of Animal Control Officer. The tender is to include:

  • all costs related to this job (including, but not limited to, travel and hourly rate)

  • starting date

Submit tenders, in a sealed envelope, by Friday, May 31, 2019 at 5:00 pm to:

Town of Marshall
Box 125
Marshall SK S0M 1R0
Telephone: 306-387-6340

Lower or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Saskatchewan Crime Watch Advisory Network

What is Saskatchewan Crime Watch Advisory When a detachment becomes aware of an incident or crime, they can issue an advisory via the system, and anyone who has signed up for the program will become aware of what happened within minutes. The system will send the advisory to your smartphone or landline, via text message, email or text to voice (depending on your preference).

Signing up to be part of the network is free and only takes a few minutes. You choose which RCMP detachment area(s) you want to receive notifications from (one or multiple), and how you want to receive them - whether is be via text message, email, a text to voice phone call or the app. Note, an app (Everbridge) is available, but is not required. Even residents who only have a landline can sign up and receive the advisories.

All residents are encouraged to sign up to receive advisories from the local RCMP and to assist the police by being the ‘eyes and ears’ of the community.

Visit www.saskcrimewatch.ca to sign up.

Garbage Collection Reminder

The roll out bin being provided for residents to place their household garbage in, will now be dropped off on Tuesdays and picked up Fridays, until the road conditions improve.

Residents please remember to throw out BAGGED HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE ONLY into the roll out bin provided. Should unbagged, non-household garbage continue to be placed in the bin, the service days may change without notice to residents.

Partial Fire Ban in Effect

Legacy Regional Protective Services has issued a Partial Fire Ban which is in effect. This means the following….

The ban is applied to all open burning of any outdoor fires that may create a public safety hazard, including but not limited to:

  • Prescribed burns commonly referred to as controlled burns

  • Fireworks

Open Burning does not include:

  • Fireplaces within buildings

  • Campfires

  • Recreational Fires

  • Fire pits

  • Fire rings

  • Barbecue Grills and Smokers