As of May 10 the R.M of Wilton has issued a COMPLETE FIRE BAN. This ban will remain in effect until conditions improve. At this time recreational fires are NOT permitted. Propane/Natural Gas barbeque grills are still permitted. If you see smoke, please call 911 immediately!

Keep informed of the current conditions regarding fires as bans may change at a moments notice.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this fire ban please call the office (306)387-6340.


The R.M. of Wilton has issued a Partial Fire Ban as of April 28.  This ban will remain in effect until conditions improve.  At this time recreational fires are still permitted.  Please refer to the Town of Marshall’s Open Fire and Fireworks Bylaw 03-2019 for specific guidelines on acceptable firepits and regulations regarding fires within town limits.  A copy of this bylaw can be found on the town website, or it can be obtained at the town office.

Remember that a small spark can cause a catastrophic fire in these dry conditions.  Keep the fire small and always use a grate.  DO NOT have a fire if it is extremely windy.  Make sure to supervise your fire at all times.  If you see smoke that you know is not from a firepit, please call 911 immediately!

Keep informed of the current conditions regarding fires as bans may change at a moments notice.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your firepit, the bylaw or fire bans please call the office.  Check our news section on the website for more information

Sasktel infiNET Service

Sasktel has announced that they are planning to bring SaskTel infiNET service to Marshall as part of the next phase of their Rural Fibre Initiative.

At the present time, they are planning to begin the construction process sometime in 2023/24 and anticipate all the communities in this phase will be fibre-ready by the end of March 2025.

For more information on this announcement made by SaskTel, please visit their website at


The Town of Marshall is proud to offer FREE public skating to all of our community members! All we ask, is that you help keep our facility clean. This means that garbage is put in the cans, borrowed skates and helmets are put back on the shelf, and the bathrooms are left tidy. Thank you for your cooperation and happy skating.

Open 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm Daily

To reserve ice time, please contact the Town office at (306) 387-6340 for availability and rental costs.


Winter is a fact of life in Saskatchewan. Yet somehow, it manages to surprise us nearly every year. Weathering a storm starts with keeping an eye on the forecast, but even the most experienced Saskatchewan sky watchers can forget some details when preparing for snow, wind, or sleet. Make sure you've ticked all the boxes to get ready for winter with this winter storm event checklist


As part of the commissioning process the pipeline connecting the City of Lloydminster source potable water to the Town of Marshall was turned on and the existing wells were turned off. The system is operating normally and sampling is acceptable within the permit to operate. As expected, some reaction is occurring for a slight aesthetic color variation as the water blends in the reservoir and this may continue for a couple of weeks as the water works itself through the distribution system.

The water is safe to drink and over time this will diminish as the source water becomes solely from the Prairie North Potable Water Supply System.

If you have any further questions or concerns please visit or call the Town of Marshall office at 306-387-6340.

SaskPower Outage for Tuesday, November 22

We apologize for the late notice, it has just been brought to our attention that SaskPower has a planned power outage. Please see the details below.

Date: November 22, 2022
Start time: 9:00 AM
End time: 5:00 PM
Reason: System Maintenance
Comments: The east side of Marshall will experience a short outage from 9:30am to 10:45am, west from 9:30am to 12:00pm and all of Marshall will experience another outage at 4:45pm to 6:00pm